Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Vegas Baby!

On Oct 8th we drove to Las Vegas.
Jen and Tom flew out to spend the weekend with us.
Pam and Ken flew out from Myrtle Beach to spend
the week with us.

Steve and I went to the Secret Garden at the Mirage.
The Dolphin Habitat

The lions

Pam and Ken in stadium seats.

Ken, Pam, Steve and me.

Jen, Pam and me going to see the show "Viva Elvis."

Me at the Aria.

Pam fooling around in a gift shop.
...I couldn't be out done.

They played The Monster Mash on Freemon Street.

Me and the "Prez" at Madame Tussaud's

Monday, November 22, 2010


Last Tuesday I had acupuncture...for the 1st time. I've been having bad spasms in my feet/legs (worse than usual) and I'm maxed out on Baclofin. My docture suggested acupuncture.

I had 4 in each foot, 4 in each lower leg, 1 in each hand and 2 in the top of my head.

So far it hasn't helped. But I'm going again today.

Then, tomorrow, back for more Botox in my lower arms to help relax my fists.

Can we all say OUCH?

Friday, September 10, 2010

Deb's Visit

On Saturday 9/4, Deb Aebersold came to visit.

It has been 1 year since I left Columbus, Oh...
and my good friend.

We went shopping, sightseeing and eating...
sometimes way too much.

I was so sad when she left that Thursday.
But I have wonderful memories and pictures!

The day she arrived, we took the world's longest
tram up the Sandia Mountains.

It was a 15 minute ride up and back.

And a long way down. Whew!

The next day Steve drove us to Santa Fe.

Copper wind chimes.

Local artwork

The following day we went to Old Town in Albuquerque.
Deb parallel parked the van on the first try!!!

It was a little windy that day.

Deb was trying to not touch the cactus.

The alter in the church in Old Town.

Shopping in Old Town.

Local venders with their homemade jewelry
spread out on blankets.

The day before she left, we took pictures of each
other in a local store, Jackalopes.

And Deb took me to a doctor's appointment where
I got botox injections in 2 parts of my left arm.

It hurts like hell but loosens the finger muscles
a little so my fingernails don't dig into my palms.
I had them in my right arm two weeks ago.
And now several weeks of therapy.
And then do it all over again in probably 6 months.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

3034 Columbus St

Our Grove City house sold....finally!!!
We are soooo happy!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Swimming Pool

Last week my physical therapist suggested I try aqua therapy.
This both excited and scared me. I haven't been in any water
in over 6 years. But I had to try.
Here I am being wheeled down the ramp into the pool.

The pained look on my face was that I started floating...
...way too fast.

I'm trying to smile but my neck was hurting from
trying to hold it up.
And you can see how tight my hands are.

Once she got my legs to float, I did relax...a little.

And all was good with a neck pillow.

Silverton, CO

While in Durango, we drove about an hour north to Silverton.
The temperature dropped from 80 to 56 degrees.
And you could still see snow in the mountains.

A saloon-style hamburger restaurant.

An antique car for Handlebars Restaurant.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Durango. CO

A couple weeks ago Steve, Craig and I drove north to
Durango, CO for the weekend.

Above is the famous Strater Hotel.
We ate at a wonderful Mexican restaurant there.
We also saw a great local show there, too.

They had alot of rain just days before we got there.
So, the streams were very muddy...but beautiful.

This was a painting of a Jack Demsey fight on the
side of a building.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Jennifer's Birthday

We went to a fondue restaurant called The Melting Pot.

There were four courses and we ate for 2-1/2 hrs.

It was wonderful!!! (But, Steve wouldn't get in the pictures.)

My Good Friend, Linda

A few days ago I opened this card from my good friend, Linda Conway.

Now what makes this so special is that she has sent me a card every 3 or 4 weeks for the past 4 years.

These cards have brightened many dark days.

Thank you, Linda, for your love and friendship!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Craig has finally moved out here. YEA!!!
This is the first time our whole family has been in the same
city since 1992.
I am soooo excited!

(2007 wedding picture)

Thursday, April 29, 2010


"The best memories are often made of good friends,
good food, and a little slice of time to be together."

(Thanks Rhonda for the Hallmark card)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

2nd Ohio Visitors

On April 16th, Rhonda and Joe Corbin flew out here to visit.
The guys golfed almost every day.
That left Rhonda and I on our own.
And what are two women to do
go to the movies!

(We just love having family and friends visit us!)

We all drove to Santa Fe one day.
One place we visited was the Our Lady of Light Chapel.
It houses the Famous Staircase, a spiral staircase
apparently without support to the gallery above.

Here I am ringing the original bell.

This is the alter. It is so beautiful!!!

And finally someone took pictures of the front of our house.
Thanks Joe!